The Mong Kok Kai Fong Association Ltd (The Association) was established in 1951. The Association is very active in relief work such as distributing clothes and grants, providing temporary shelter for victims in disaster, providing medical service, educating and fostering the new generation, providing funeral service, working compassionately for the elderly and deprived. The Association was registered as a limited company in 1966. The executive and supervisory committee would be elected every two years. This is the 21th term now.
The Association originally located at Mong Kok Mactherson Football Pitch. In 1975, The Government granted the land of thousands square feet at Fuk Tsun St., Tai Kok Tsui to build "The Mong Kok Kai Fong Assn. Ltd. Chan Hing Social Service Centre". After the lay down ceremony held in 1977, the construction work was undergone very smoothly. On 29th March, 1979, Sir Jack Cater, K.B.E., J.P., His Excellency The Acting Governor was invited to be the Guest of Honor in the Opening Ceremony. The cost for constructing the Service Building was about 3 million dollars. The Lotteries Fund donated 1.5 million. Mr. Chan Hing donated 0.5 million to initiate our members and local leaders to donate for the Building. With the full support and enthusiastic participation, it was achieved.
Chan Hing Social Service Centre (The Centre) was commenced to provide social service in 1980. The number of staff has been increasing from only 3 at the beginning, to over one hundred now. The service has been expanding from a youth centre, to a comprehensive and integrated social service centre. The number of member and service recipients has also increased from hundreds to over hundred thousands. The subvention from the government is near to thirty million dollars per annual. The Centre is built and managed by the Association. The Centre is a five-storeys building consisting of a community hall, meeting and activity rooms, reading and study room, elderly centre, clinics and carpark.
In 1998, the Association was subvented by the Social Welfare Department to operate a new social centre for the elderly in Grand Century Place, Mong Kok. With the donation from the Kowloon Chamber of Commerce, the centre was named as "The Mong Kok Kai Fong Association Kowloon Chamber of Commerce Centre for the Elderly". In March, 2000, The Centre became the first social welfare organization to be awarded the 5 S certificate.
In order to echo the revamping of elderly support service in the community by the Social Welfare Department, The Centre expanded the service area for the elderly by buying a new office in Pine St. Tai Kok Tsui, in April, 2003. About 60 staff were removed to the new office and The Centre was renovated to provide more space for the weak elderly.
Recently, with the support of the Social Welfare Department, the Centre is taking initiatives to react to the changing needs in the community such as to revamp the elderly service to form a new District Elderly Community Centre, to build up strategic alliances with other elderly service units to provide comprehensive services for the elderly in the community. Moreover, the Integrated Neighborhood Projects were revamped as Family Support Networking Team to provide outreaching service for the vulnerable families. Furthermore, the Centre has started to operate new Intensive Employment Assistance Project to enable the CSSA recipients and low-income people to work again. Last but not the least, with the increasing residents of South Asians, the Centre also provides service for them to achieve community integration and inclusion.